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Cannes Lions 2024: Day 4 Wrap-Up

Day 4 at Cannes Lions has come to an end, with Canada winning a record number of Lions. Shannon Lewis and Karen Howe, Cannes Canada Advisory Board Members and Young Lions mentors, share their standouts from the day and Marcin Zerek highlights lessons that young creatives can learn.  Follow our daily recaps, Q&A’s with industry execs, and festival breakdowns at Globe Media Group’s Cannes Lions hub

In this edition:

  • CMOs in the Spotlight, Poor Things and The IOC Refugee Team
  • Favourite work from Karen and Shannon
  • The Globe and Mail’s Young Lions lunch 
  • Canada breaks its wins record on Day 4
  • Young Lions Creative Academy session
Day 4 highlights from Shannon Lewis

1. CMO Spotlight: Sustainable innovation and equity is the new driver of growth – Mustafa Shamseldin, Chief Marketing Officer at PepsiCo, are paving the way forward.

cmos spotlighgt shnanon #2


2. The IOC Refugee Olympic Team is a powerful reminder of the resilience and determination of more than 100 million forcibly displaced individuals around the world. 36 incredible athletes from 11 different countries, this session sent a powerful message of the values of hope, belonging, and inclusion on the world’s largest sports stage – the Paris Olympics. 


3. From Inspiration to Manifestation: Oscar-winning production designers Shona Heath and James Price on the creative process behind the surreal sets in ‘Poor Things’.  From texture to historic painting, they sure know how to bring a film world to life on screen. Inspired by their creative and design journey.
poor things

The Work: Standouts from Day 4 from Karen Howe and Shannon Lewis

The Basement in the Palais houses a showcase of this year’s shortlisted entries live. Festival goers can view the work digitally on kiosks that provide access to The Work, as well as in exhibitions displaying both shortlisted and award-winning pieces.

Here are some of Karen and Shannon’s standouts from their viewing today.

A toast to Canada’s Young Lions

Every year, it is a cherished tradition for The Globe and Mail to host a celebratory lunch in honour of the ten Canadian Young Lions winners who participated in the Global Young Lions competition in this past week. This special event always takes place at La Pizza Cresci, a beloved spot situated by the picturesque Cannes harbour. Joined by members of the Canadian Cannes Advisory Board, our esteemed partners from Strategy Magazine, Jury members, mentors, and the 2023 Global Young Lions Marketers winners who won it all last year. The lunch serves as an opportunity to unwind after an intense and demanding week. It is a time to reconnect, enjoy each other’s company, and raise a toast to the remarkable achievements of these talented individuals. The winners will be officially announced on Friday morning.


Canada Wins 55 Lions, Breaking its Personal Record
Today, Canada has added 12 additional Lions to yesterday’s 43 medals. This means that Canada has accumulated 55 Lions, surpassing its record of 51 in 2023. 8 Lions were awarded to Rethink as well as Dentsu Creative and Ogilvy winning 2 Lions each. This is an outstanding achievement for Canada and a gratifying testament to Canadian creative power. See the full breakdown from Strategy Online.
Creative Academy – Young Lions Session
I was invited by James Coburn to attend a Creative Academy session today–“Unlocking creativity: finding, nurturing, and sharing inspiration in today’s world”. It was inspiring to be in a room full of motivated, young, next-generation creative leaders. They asked great questions and got some valuable insights. Here’s a list of key lessons for young creatives:
  • Say yes to opportunities, and be seen. It’s extremely important to get yourself out there as an upcoming creative leader.
  • Opportunities can arise from the most unexpected places.
  • At the same time, know that “No” is a complete sentence. Never feel pressured to take opportunities. Be careful with your commitments and confident in your creative value.

Follow us @globemediagroup on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter to stay in the know.

Cannes Lions, Highlight

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