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Connect with Canada’s highest value audiences.

Connect with Programmatic Guaranteed (PG)

Fixed-rate, guaranteed delivery secured with a pre-determined investment.

  • Access exclusive targeting including: Audience and Contextual targeting, Sponsorships, and Custom Creative executions.
  • Enable all standard and large format display units, video, and Globe custom units.
  • Custom-built creative is publisher hosted.
  • Enables buyer access to real-time reporting and creative management.

Connect with Private Marketplace (PMP)

Connect with a non-guaranteed fixed price, or Preferred Deal (PD).

  • Fixed-rate, non-guaranteed delivery, managed with an estimated investment, prioritized over non-guaranteed auction-based deals.
  • Access 1P contextual/audience data. Ideal to use when seeking exclusive Globe data targeting not available through 3P data.
  • All standard IAB units are available.

Biddable Private Auction

Gain a safe and transparent view of trusted quality inventory at a price aligned to your goals.

First-price auction, non-guaranteed delivery.


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