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Via Rail: Supercharging ads with customer data


We helped VIA Rail boost ad performance and improve awareness by supercharging digital ads using customer data.


The matched customer tactic outperformed the travel segment in all awareness KPIs, which also included efficiency metrics to measure cost-per unique reach and cost-per viewable impression.

3.4 X

greater reach

2.5 X

more cost-effective reach

1.5 X

efficient viewable impressions


To utilize VIA Rail’s 1st party data (current and former VIA Rail customers) to improve targeting and outcomes for VIA. 


The Globe and VIA Rail deployed a data clean room to match VIA Rail customers with Globe and Mail subscribers. This customer match was used to inform how The Globe could target ads to shared customers on The Globe and Mail website. 



Once the match between Globe and VIA Rail customers was complete, a campaign was deployed to compare performance between matched customers and a defined Globe and Mail travel segment.


Middle Slide

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