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Countdown to Cannes Lions: Six themes to watch in 2023

As Cannes Lions 2023 approaches, the air is thick with anticipation, not just for the upcoming event but also for the profound impact it will have on the next 70 years. 

This year’s festival is all about embracing those who are still in the process of making their mark. “In the making” encompasses the challenges, struggles, blunders and breakthroughs that individuals experience on their journey toward achieving their ultimate goals. Let’s take a closer look at the pillars that will shape the conversation in 2023:

Building communities: In our interconnected world, building communities has become essential for brands seeking deep connections with their audiences. Discover how to foster meaningful relationships, cultivate brand loyalty and tap into the collective power of communities to drive business growth.

Creative culture and talent: The heartbeat of every successful creative enterprise lies in its culture and the talented individuals who bring its vision to life. Explore the nuances of cultivating a vibrant creative culture, nurturing talent and fostering an environment that fuels innovation and collaboration.

Creative impact: What does it take to build, protect and grow a business through creativity in 2023? Explore what creative effectiveness means in the current media and economic environment, which types of creative thinking have the biggest impact and how to make a compelling case for investment in creative marketing to the C-suite of an organization.

Creative processes and tools: The creative process can be a labyrinth of ideation, iteration and refinement. Uncover the latest methodologies, tools and techniques that streamline the creative journey, enabling marketers to transform ideas into compelling campaigns with greater efficiency and efficacy.

Futurescape: The future holds endless possibilities, and it’s essential for marketers to navigate the ever-evolving landscape to stay ahead of the curve. Engage in thought-provoking discussions on emerging trends, cutting-edge technologies and forward-thinking strategies that will shape the future of marketing and creativity.

Industry landscape: A panoramic view of the industry landscape is crucial for marketers and creative directors to understand the broader context in which they operate. Gain insights into industry trends, market dynamics and the forces shaping the marketing landscape to inform strategic decision-making and unlock new avenues for growth.

The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity is a platform where boundaries are shattered and new possibilities are realized. As the official Canadian representative of Cannes Lions, the world’s most prestigious and coveted advertising and marketing awards, The Globe and Mail will provide insights, ideas, and takeaways from panels and keynotes over the next five days.

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Cannes Lions

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